Neither camera alone had enough interesting photos for a blog entry, so you get a little from both of them. First up, pics from the short tripod, including an extreme close-up and a fuzzy look at two birds in flight. Then you'll see an alerted Luggage (while I'm oblivious to the danger), and who it was that chased her into the woods. (A harmless chase that ended quickly after a half-hearted effort on Mary's part.)
Meanwhile, at the other camera a combination of sun, shadows and poor camera placement produced a whole lotta' photos I wasn't crazy about. Probably the last time I'll aim a camera across the loop. The final pic is a keeper; a big bundle of Wilder going for a walk ;)
Meanwhile, at the other camera a combination of sun, shadows and poor camera placement produced a whole lotta' photos I wasn't crazy about. Probably the last time I'll aim a camera across the loop. The final pic is a keeper; a big bundle of Wilder going for a walk ;)
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